Friday, September 30, 2011

Gears of War 3 - TDM on "Gridlock"

More coming soon! Subscribe to my YouTube channel to catch the vids as soon as they're uploaded.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Dead Island Early Impressions

The game is definitely rough around the edges. I smacked a zombie in the back of the head, and she froze in a bent over position. I found a mountain that was literally put together improperly in one spot. Clipping is prevalent. I've seen zombies walking through large umbrellas, fall through ropes that are meant to keep you from falling into the water, etc. There was a point where I was killed as I leveled up, so I stood there with a full health bar watching the timer go down until I respawned.

Even with that said, the game has been getting better as I go along. At first it seems too easy, but as you level up the zombies level up. "Walker"(s) get faster, start wielding weapons and take more damage. "Thug"(s), basically walking tanks who cannot be knocked down, take even longer to kill. I haven't even seen the other types yet because I've been having a great time just exploring the area and doing sidequests.

This game is a mix of Borderlands and Fallout, with well done zombies. The zombies are very detailed, with great voice work and several skin layers and forms of decay. Humans look great too, but the voicework for them is hit or miss. Some characters are believable, others are just laughable.

Again, I think the game is a lot of fun, and I haven't even messed with co-op yet.

This coming Saturday I will post a video review on my YouTube channel. I'm recording my entire playthrough, so I'll put in several examples of the things I come across as I play. If you want to check it out, here's the link to my channel:

Just subscribe and keep an eye out for it. Worst case scenario I'll end up posting it on Sunday.